Table of Contents
If you're reading this, you have found the README.Debian file. This is good, thanks! Please continue reading this file in its entirety. It is full of important information and has been written with the questions in mind that keep popping up on the mailing lists.
Exim comes with very extensive documentation. Here is how to find it.
with the binary packages.
Please note that documentation found on the web or in other parts of the Debian system (such as the Debian Reference) might be outdated and thus give wrong advice. In doubt, the documentation listed above should take precedence.
For your questions and comments, there is a Debian-specific mailing list. Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. Debian-specific questions are more likely to find answers on our pkg-exim4-users mailing list, while complex custom configuration issues might be more easily solved on the upstream exim-users mailing list because of the broader and more experienced audience there. You can subscribe to pkg-exim4-users via the subscription web page; you need to be subscribed to post.
If you think that your question might be more easily answered if one knows a bit about your configuration, you might want to execute reportbug --subject="none" --offline --quiet --severity=wishlist --body="none" --output=exim4.reportbug exim4-config on the system in question, answer yes to both "include [extended] configuration" questions and include the contents of the exim4.reportbug file generated by this command with your question. Please check whether the file contains any confidential information before sending.
Similar to the Apache2 package, Exim 4 is an entirely different package that does not currently offer a smooth upgrade path from Debian's Exim 3 packages.
It is the first Exim package in Debian that can be configured using debconf. However, the entire configuration framework is extremely flexible, allowing you to get exactly the amount of control you need for the job at hand.
The development web page contains a lot of useful links and other information. The subversion repository of the Debian package is available for public read-only access and is linked from the development web page.
To use Exim 4, you need at least the following packages:
Just apting the meta-package exim4 will pull in the other packages per dependency. You'll get an exim daemon with minimal feature set (no external lookups).
If you need more advanced features like LDAP, sqlite, PostgreSQL and MySQL data lookups, SASL and SPA SMTP authentication, embedded Perl interpreter, and exiscan-acl for integration of virus-scanners and SpamAssassin, you can replace exim4-daemon-heavy instead of exim4-daemon-light. Additionally, the source package offers infrastructure to build your own custom-tailored exim4-daemon-custom which exactly fits your special local needs. The infrastructure to do so is already in place, see debian/rules for instructions.
Generally, the Debian Exim 4 packages are configured through debconf. You have been asked some questions on package installation, and your initial exim configuration has been created from your answers. You can repeat the configuration process any time by invoking dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. If you are an experienced exim administrator and prefer to have your own, hand-crafted, non-automatic exim configuration, you will find information about how to do so Section 2.1.5, “Using a completely different configuration scheme”
The debconf-driven configuration is mainly geared for a one-domain shell account machine/workstation with local delivery as suggested by the original upstream default configuration. If you configure the packages to handle more than one local domain, all local domains are treated identically. The domain part is not used for routing and filtering decisions.
Despite the default configuration being extended somewhat from the original upstream, chances are that you'll need to manually change the exim configuration with an editor if you intend to do something that is not covered by the debconf-driven configuration. It has never been the packages' intention to offer all possible configuration methods through debconf. The configuration files are there to be changed, feel free to do so if you see fit. The Debian Exim 4 maintainers have tried to make the configuration as flexible as possible so that manual intervention can be minimized.
If you need to make manual changes to the Exim configuration,
please be familiar with how exim works. At minimum, have read this
README file and the manpages delivered with the Debian Exim 4
packages, and /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt
chapters 3 and 6. spec.txt
is an excellent
Please note that while most free-form fields in the debconf-driven configuration have the entered string end up verbatim in exim's configuration file (and thus using more advanced features like host, address and domain lists is possible and will probably work), this is not officially supported. Only plain lists are supported in the debconf dialogs. You may use more advanced features, but they may stop working any time during upgrades.
In this section, we try to document and explain the debconf
questions, which are themselves limited to a small screen of
information and might leave questions unanswered. Since you
can usually read this file only after having answered the
questions, the process can always be repeated by invoking
dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config.
documented in the update-exim4.conf
manual page, is
a simple shell-script snippet used to store the answers
that you passed to debconf when initially configuring exim4.
You may also modify this file with an editor of your choice.
The exim4's maintainer scripts can handle this and will
preserve your changes.
Our packages offer two (actually three, see below Section 2.1.5, “Using a completely different configuration scheme” possibilities:
which is basically a normal exim run-time
configuration file which is subjected to
some post-processing (mostly macro
expansion) before it is passed to exim.
. The
directories in
correspond to the sections of the exim
run-time configuration file, so you should
easily find your way around there.
Splitting the configuration across multiple files
means that you have the actual configuration file
automatically generated from the files below
by invoking
update-exim4.conf. Each section
of exim's configuration has its own subdirectory and
the files in there are supposed to be read in
alphanumeric order.
is followed by
If you chose unsplit configuration,
update-exim4.conf builds the
configuration from
which is basically the files from
together at package build time, and thus guarantees
consistency on the target system.
In both cases, update-exim4.conf integrates the debconf configuration values into the actual configuration file which is then used by the exim4 daemon. See the update-exim4.conf manual page for more in-depth information about this mechanism.
Benefits of the split configuration approach:
This needs, however quite exact syncing
between the exim4 packages and the other,
cooperating package.
Drawbacks of the split configuration approach:
Benefits of the unsplit configuration approach:
basically is a complete exim configuration
file which will only undergo some basic
string replacement before is it passed to
Drawbacks of the unsplit configuration approach:
If in doubt go for the unsplit config, because it is easier to roll back to Debian's default configuration in one step. If you intend to do many changes to the Debian setup, you might want to use the split config at the price of having to more closely examine the config file after an update.
We'd appreciate a patch that uses ucf and the 3-way-merge mechanism offered by that package. It might be the best way to handle the big configuration file.
If you are using unsplit configuration, have local
changes to /etc/exim4/conf.d/
(either made by yourself or by other packages dropping
their own routers or transports in) and want to
activate these changes, you can do so by using
This is the main configuration question which will control which of the remaining questions are presented to you. It also controls things like daemon invocation and delivery of outgoing mail.
This option is suitable for a standalone system with full internet connectivity.
The exim SMTP daemon will accept messages to local domains, and deliver them locally.
Outgoing mail will be delivered directly to the mail exchange servers of the recipient domain
This option is suitable for a standalone client system which has restricted internet connectivity, for example on a residential connection where an SMTP smarthost is used. Some ISPs block outgoing SMTP connections to combat the spam problem, thus requiring the use of their smarthosts. It is generally a good idea to use the ISPs smart host if one is connected with a dynamic IP address since quite a few sites do not accept mail directly delivered from a dial-in pool.
fetchmail can be used to retrieve incoming mail from the ISP's POP3 or IMAP mail server and deliver it to exim via SMTP.
The exim SMTP daemon will accept messages to local domains, and deliver them locally.
Outgoing mail will always be delivered to the smarthost configured in exim4.
This option is suitable for a client system in a computer pool which is not responsible for a local e-mail domain. All locally generated e-mail is sent to the smarthost without any local domains.
This option is suitable for a standalone system with no networking at all. Only messages for configured local domains are accepted and delivered locally; messages for all other domains are rejected: ``Mailing to remote domains not supported''.
This option disables most of Debian's automatisms
and leaves exim in an unconfigured state.
update-exim4.conf will still copy
or concatenate the files from
and will
unconditionally remove every occurance of
DEBCONFsomethingDEBCONF from the configuration.
Unless you manually edit the configuration source,
this will leave exim with a syntactically invalid
configuration file, thus in a state where the
daemon won't even start.
Only choose this option if you know what you're doing and are prepared to create your own exim configuration.
dpkg-conffile handling is still in place, and you will be offered updates for configuration snippets, as soon as they become available.
The "mail name" is the domain name used to "qualify" mail addresses without a domain name.
This name will also be used by other programs. It should be the single, full domain name (FQDN).
For example, if a mail address on the local host is foo@domain.example, then the correct value for this option would be domain.example.
Exim, as a rule, handles only fully qualified mail addresses, that is, addresses with a local part, an @ sign and a domain. If confronted with an unqualified address, that is, one without @ sign and without domain, first thing exim does is qualify the address by adding the @ sign and a domain.
This qualification happens for all addresses exim encounters, be it sender, recipient or else.
The domain name used to qualify unqualified mail addresses
is called ``mail name'' on Debian systems and entered
in this debconf dialog. What you enter here will end
up in /etc/mailname,
which is a
file that might be used by other programs as well.
In some configuration types, exim will offer you, at a later step, to hide this name from outgoing messages by rewriting the headers.
Please enter a semicolon-separated list of IP addresses. The Exim SMTP listener daemon will listen on all IP addresses listed here.
An empty value will cause Exim to listen for connections on all available network interfaces.
If this system does only receive e-mail directly from local services like fetchmail or your e-mail program (MUA) talking to localhost (and not from other hosts), it is adviseable to prohibit external connections to the local Exim. This can be accomplished by entering here. This will disable listening on public network interfaces.
Please enter a semicolon-separated list of recipient domains for which this machine should consider itself the final destination, apart from the local hostname (${fqdn}) and "localhost". These domains are commonly called "local domains".
Leaving this list blank will have Exim do no local deliveries.
By default all local domains will be treated identically. If both a.example and b.example are local domains, acc@a.example and acc@b.example will be delivered to the same final destination. If different domain names should be treated differently, it is necessary to edit the config files afterwards.
The answer to this question ends up in the list of domains that exim will consider local domains. Mail for recipients in one of these domains will be subject to local alias expansion and then delivered locally in the appropriate configuration types.
Please enter a semicolon-separated list of recipient domains for which this system will relay mail, for example as a fallback MX or mail gateway. This means that this system will accept mail for these domains from anywhere on the Internet and deliver them according to local delivery rules.
Do not mention local domains here. Wildcards may be used.
The answer to this question is a list of the domains for which exim will relay messages coming in from anywhere on the Internet.
A common case for this is when your system is fallback MX. Do not mention local domains here.
The domains you enter here should be separated by colons. Wildcards may be used.
Please enter a semicolon-separated list of IP address ranges for which this system will arbitrary relay mail, functioning as a smarthost.
You should use the standard address/prefix format (e.g. or 5f03:1200:836f::/48).
If this system should not be a smarthost for any other host, leave this list blank.
Please note that systems not listed here can still use SMTP AUTH to relay through this system. If this system only has clients on dynamic IP addresses that use SMTP AUTH, leave this list blank as well. Do NOT list!
Please enter the IP address or the host name of a mail server that this system should use as outgoing smarthost. If the smarthost only accepts your mail on a port different from TCP/25, append two colons and the port number (for example smarthost.example::587 or Colons in IPv6 addresses need to be doubled.
If the smarthost requires authentication, please refer to Section 2.3, “SMTP-AUTH” for notes about setting up SMTP authentication.
Multiple smarthost entries are permitted, semicolon separated. Each of the hosts is tried, in the order specified (See exim specification, chapter 20.5).
The headers of outgoing mail can be rewritten to make it appear to have been generated on a different system, replacing the local host name in From, Reply-To, Sender and Return-Path.
If you ask exim to hide the local mail name in outgoing mail, it will next ask you for the domain name that should be visible for your local users. These information is then used to establish the appropriate rewriting rules.
In normal mode of operation Exim does DNS lookups at startup, and when receiving or delivering messages. This is for logging purposes and allows keeping down the number of hard-coded values in the configuration.
If this system does not have a DNS full service resolver available at all times (for example if its Internet access is a dial-up line using dial-on-demand), this might have unwanted consequences. For example, starting up Exim or running the queue (even with no messages waiting) might trigger a costly dial-up-event.
This option should be selected if this system is using Dial-on-Demand. If it has always-on Internet access, this option should be disabled.
The Debian exim 4 packages come with a default configuration that allows flexible access control and blacklisting of sites and hosts. The acls involved can be found in /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl, or in /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template, depending on which configuration scheme you use. Most rejections of messages due to this mechanism happen at RCPT time. Local configuration of the mechanisms happens through data files in /etc/exim4 or via exim macros that you can set in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main, so there is normally no need to change the files in the acl subdirectory in a split-config setup. If you use the non-split config, you need to edit /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template, which, as a big dpkg-conffile, won't give you any advantage of the .ifdef scheme.
The data files are documented in the exim4-config_files man page.
The access lists delivered with the exim4 packages also contains quite a few configuration options that are too restrictive to be active by default on a real-life site. These are masked by .ifdef statements, can be activated by setting the appropriate macros, and are documented in the ACL files itself.
Our configuration can be controlled in a limited way by setting macros. That way, you can switch on and off certain parts of the default configuration without having to touch the dpkg-conffiles. While touching dpkg-conffiles itself is explitly allowed and wanted, it can be quite a nuisance to be asked on package upgrade whether one wants to use the locally changed file or the file changed by the package maintainer.
Whenever you see an .ifdef or
.ifndef clause in the configuration file,
you can control the appropriate clause by setting the macro in
a local configuration file. For split configuration, you can
drop the local configuration file anywhere in
. Just make sure it
gets read before the macro is first used.
is a possible name,
guaranteeing first order. For a non-split configuration,
read before
. To
actually set the macro EXIM4_EXAMPLE
to the
value "this is a sample", write the following line
EXIM4_EXAMPLE = this is a sample
into the appropriate file. For more detailed discussion of the general macro mechanism, see the exim specification, chapter 6.4, for details how macro expansion works.
The script update-exim4.conf parses the
and provides the configuration for the exim4 daemon.
Depending on the value of
, it either
concatenates them together or
The debconf-managed information from
merged into the generated configuration file. Strings like
are replaced by the value
that is set in
for the
keyword dc_foo
, for example, is
replaced with the value of $dc_smarthost
in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf
which holds the answer to "Which machine will act as the
smarthost and handle outgoing mail?"
The result of these operations is saved as
which is not a dpkg-conffile! Manual
changes to this file will be overwritten by
Please consult update-exim4.conf manpage for more detailed information.
update-exim4.conf is invoked by the init script prior to any operation that may invoke an exim process, and gives an error message if the generated config file is syntactically invalid. If you want to activate your changes to files in conf.d/ just execute "invoke-rc.d exim4 restart".
If you are an experienced exim administrator, you might feel like working with our pre-fabricated configuration cumbersome and complex. You might feel right if you need to make more complex changes and do not need to receive updates from us. This section is going to tell how about how to use your own configuration.
But, you might profit from keeping the Debian magic. Most files that come with Debian exim4 are conffiles. Debian is going to care about your changes and keeps them around. Additionally, a lot of configuration options can be overridden with a macro, which does not require you to actually change our configuration file. A lot of people are using our configuration scheme, any maybe it is going to save you a lot of time if you decide to spend some time familiarizing yourself with our scheme.
If you are only running a small number of systems and
want to completely disable Debian's magic, just take
your monolithic configuration file and install it as
. Exim will
use that file verbatim. To have something to start,
you can either take
run update-exim4.conf --keepcomments --output
/etc/exim4/exim4.conf, or use Upstream's
default configuration file that is installed as
You're going to lose all magic you get from packaging
though, so you need to be familiar with exim to build
an actually working config.
the file generated by
update-exim4.conf, is ignored as soon
as /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
is found.
You should not edit
directly when
exim is running, because the forked processes exim starts
for SMTP receiving or queue running would use the new
configuration file, while the original main exim-daemon
would still use the old configuration file.
Most third-party HOWTOs that reference Debian and
claim to make things easy suggest dumping a
pre-fabricated, static config file to
. This is
considered bad advice by the Debian maintainers since
you're going to disable all updates and service magic
that Debian might deliver in the future this way. If
you do not know exactly what you're doing here, this
is a bad choice. We try to comment on external HOWTOs
found on the web in the Debian
Exim4 User FAQ to help you find out which
advice to follow.
We have split off exim's configuration system (debconf,
update-exim4.conf, and the files in
to a separate
package, exim4-config. If you want to, you can replace
exim4-config by something entirely different. The other
packages don't care. Your package needs to:
or into /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
Your package must provide an executable update-exim4.conf that must be in root's path (/usr/sbin recommended). The init script will invoke that executable prior to invoking the actual exim daemon. If you don't need that script, have it exit 0.
If you want to create your own configuration packages, there is a number of helpers available.
Please note that exim4-config-simple and exim4-config-medium are only targetet to be used as template. The configurations contained are not suitable for productive use. Of course, the Debian maintainers appreciate any patches you might find suitable. The scripts in exim4-config-simple and exim4-config-medium may not work at all in your environment. Unfortunately, they have not been updated in a long time as well. We are willing to accept patches.
See the development web page for links to the subversion repository.
Exchanging the entire exim4-config package with something custom comes particularly handy for sites that have more than a few machines that are similarly configured, but doesn't want to use the original exim4-config package. Build your own exim4-config-custom or exim4-config-foo, and simply apt that package to the machines that need to have that configuration. Future updates can then be handled via the dpkg-conffile mechanism, properly detecting local modifications.
In the future, it might be possible that Debian will contain multiple flavours of exim4 configuration. However, these packages would have to be maintained by someone else because the exim4 package maintainers think that the scheme delivered with exim4-config is the best of all worlds and wouldn't spend the time to maintain multiple configuration schemes while only actually using one. It would be nice to have a configuration scheme using a monolithic config file, managed by ucf in three-way-merge mode. If anybody feels ready to maintain it, please go ahead.
Both exim4-daemon-heavy and exim4-daemon-light support TLS/SSL using the GnuTLS library and STARTTLS. Exim will use TLS via STARTTLS automatically as client if the server exim connects to offers it. TLS on connect is not natively supported.
You should have created certificates in
either by hand or by usage of
the exim-gencert (which requires openssl). exim-gencert is
shipped in
takes care of proper access privileges on the private key
If you are on a host that does generate little entropy, you might want to manually generate the Diffie-Hellman parameters by invoking /usr/share/exim4/exim4_refresh_gnutls-params. For this, you need either gnutls-bin or openssl installed.
Now, enable TLS by setting the macro MAIN_TLS_ENABLE in a local configuration file as described in Section 2.1.3, “Using Exim Macros to control the configuration”.
After this configuration, exim will advertise STARTTLS when connected to on the normal SMTP ports. Some broken clients (most prominent example being nearly all versions of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express) insist on doing TLS on connect on Port 465. If you need to support these, set SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS='-oX 465:25 -oP /var/run/exim4/' in /etc/default/exim4 and "tls_on_connect_ports=465" in the main configuration section.
The -oP is needed because exim does not write an implicit pid file if -oX is given. Without pid file, init script and cron job will malfunction.
It might be appropriate to add "+tls_cipher +tls_peerdn" to any log_selector statement you might already have, or to add a log_selector statement setting these two options in a local configuration file. These options have exim log what cipher your exim and the peer's mailer have negotiated to use to encrypt the transaction, and they have exim log the Distinguished Name of the peer's certificate.
This version of Exim is compiled against GnuTLS. GnuTLS is a
replacement for the restrictive licensed OpenSSL libraries.
GnuTLS does not support varying its Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Therefore tls_dhparam settings are ignored in Exim's
configuration file, and no dhparam file is generated by
exim-gencerts. GnuTLS uses RSA and D-H parameters that are
computed when they are needed. When someone sends STARTTLS,
exim will compute these parameters and then store these
parameters in a cache file located in Exim's spool directory
The daily cron job and the script
take care of new D-H parameters. If neither gnutls-bin nor
openssl are installed, the gnutls-params file is removed and
exim re-generates the file on the fly during the next incoming TLS
connection. Systems generating little entropy might hang in this
situation after clients invoking a STARTTLS command.
To avoid this behavior, which can possibly lead to a DoS condition, if the daily cron job finds openssl or gnutls-bin installed, it will regenerate the gnutls-params file outside of exim and only replace the gnutls-params file after a new one has been successfully generated. If the new file generation does not finish after an hour, the process is killed to avoid sustained entropy depletion. If the gnutls-params file gets older than two weeks, the daily cron job starts sending out warning messages.
It is "more secure" when you have the gnutls-params file regenerated more often. You can delete it any time you wish without any need for synchronization. Exim will regenerate it automatically. Alternatively, you can manually invoke /usr/share/exim4/exim4_refresh_gnutls-params to re-generate the file.
NOTE! The fact that GnuTLS does not support generated Diffie-Hellman parameters does NOT make it less secure.
For more reference, you can refer to
section 38.
If Exim complains in an SMTP session that TLS is unavailable, the exim mainlog or paniclog frequently has exact information about what might be wrong. Fo example, you might see
2003-01-27 19:06:45 TLS error on connection from localhost [] (cert/key setup): Error while reading file)
showing that there has been an error while accessing the certificate or the private key file.
Insuffient entropy available is a frequent cause of TLS failures in Exim context. If Exim logs "not enough random bytes available", or simply hangs silently when an encrypted connection should be established, then Exim was unable to read enough random data from /dev/random to do whatever cryptographic operation is requested. Please check that your /dev/random device is setup properly.
A process that regularly consumes a lot of entropy is the re-generation of the Diffie-Hellman parameters. These are generated daily. In the normal case, the daily cron job deletes them and relies on exim to generate them itself anew. This may lead to exim blocking in low-entropy cases. It might be helpful to install either the gnutls-bin or openssl package on such systems, since with one of those installed, the daily cron-job tries to build new DH parameters itself and replaces the old ones only after the new ones have been successfully generated. This might ease the entropy starvation as one possible source of blocks is eliminated.
To avoid draining entopy foir extended periods of time, the cron job only allows an hour for generation of the new parameters and aborts if the process takes too long. In that case, the old parameter file stays around.
If the parameters file gets older than a week, the daily cron job sends out a warning e-mail.
Exim can do SMTP AUTH both as a client and as a server.
AUTH PLAIN and AUTH LOGIN are disabled for connections which are not protected by SSL/TLS per default. These authentication methods use cleartext passwords, and allowing the transmission of cleartext passwords on unencrypted connections is a security risk. Therefore, the default configuration configures exim not to use and/or allow AUTH PLAIN and AUTH LOGIN over unencrypted connections.
It is thus recommended to set up exim to use TLS to encrypt the connections. Please refer to Section 2.2, “Using TLS” for documentation about this. Note that most Microsoft clients need special handling for TLS.
If you want to set up exim as SMTP AUTH client for delivery
to your internet access provider's smarthost put the name of
the server, your login and password in
. See the man
page for exim4-config_files(5) for more information about the
required format.
If you need to enable AUTH PLAIN or AUTH LOGIN for unencrypted connections because your service provider does support neither TLS encryption nor the CRAM MD5 authentication method, you can do so by setting the AUTH_CLIENT_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS macro. Please refer to Section 2.1.3, “Using Exim Macros to control the configuration” for an explanation of how best to do this.
needs to be
readable for the exim user (user Debian-exim, group
Debian-exim). I suggest you keep the default permissions
root:Debian-exim 0640.
The configuration files include many, verbosely commented, examples for server-side smtp-authentication which just need to be uncommented.
If you need to enable AUTH PLAIN or AUTH LOGIN for unencrypted connections because your clients neither support TLS encryption nor the CRAM MD5 authentication method, you can do so by setting the AUTH_SERVER_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS macro. Please refer to Section 2.1.3, “Using Exim Macros to control the configuration” for an explanation of how best to do this.
If you want to authenticate against system passwords (e.g.
) the easiest way is to use
saslauthd in the Debian package sasl2-bin. You have to add the
exim-user (currently Debian-exim) to the sasl group, to give
exim permission to use the saslauthd service.
The Debian exim4 maintainers consider using system login passwords a bad idea for the following reasons:
The Debian Exim 4 packages' init script is located in
. Apart from the
functions that are required by Debian policy and the LSB, it
supports the commands what, which executes
exiwhat to show what your exim processes
are doing, and force_stop which
unconditionally kills all exim processes.
The init script can be configured to start listening and/or
queue running daemons. This configuration can be found in
. This file is
extensively documented.
Exim4's daily cron job
does basic housekeeping tasks:
A non-empty paniclog is a nearly sure sign of bad things going on. Thus, the cron job will send out warning messages to the syslog and root if it finds the panic log non-empty. Please note that the paniclog is not rotated daily, so existing issues will be reported daily until either the paniclog is rotated due to its sheer size, or you manually move it away, for example to a datestamped file name like paniclog.yyyymmdd.
Just in case your system logs transient error situations to the panic log as well (see, for example,, you can configure $E4BCD_PANICLOG_NOISE to a regular expression. If the paniclog contains only lines that match that regular expression, no warning messages are generated.
If you want to disable paniclog monitoring completely, set $E4BCD_WATCH_PANICLOG to no.
Exim4 is run as a separate daemon instead of inetd/xinetd for two reasons:
If you introduce bugs on your systems by running from (x)inetd you are on your own! If you want to run exim4 from xinetd, follow these steps:
Create /etc/xinetd.d/exim4
service smtp { disable = no flags = NAMEINARGS socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = Debian-exim group = Debian-exim server = /usr/sbin/exim4 server_args = exim4 -bs }
If you want to use plain inetd, insert following line into
smtp stream tcp nowait Debian-exim /usr/sbin/exim4 exim4 -bs
Delivery to arbitrary files, directory or to pipes in the
file is dsabled by default
in the Debian exim 4 packages. The delivery process including the
program being piped to would run as the exim admin-user
Debian-exim, which might open up security holes.
Invoking pipes from /etc/aliases
file is
widely considered obsolete and deprecated. The Debian exim
package maintainers would like to suggest using a dedicated
router/transport pair to invoke local processes for mail
processing. For example, the Debian mailman package contains a
that gives a good example how to implement this. Using a
dedicated router/transport pairs have the following advantages:
The router/transport pair can be put in place by another package, giving a well-defined transaction point between Exim 4 and $PACKAGE.
Not allowing pipe deliveries from alias files makes it harder to accidentally run programs with wrong privileges.
It is possible to run different pipe processes under different accounts.
Even if only invoking a single local program, it is easier to do with your dedicated router/transport since you won't need to change this file, making automatic updates of this file possible for future versions of the Exim 4 packages. If you do local changes here, dpkg conffile handling will bother you on future updates.
If you insist on using /etc/aliases
the traditional way, you will need to activate the
respective functions by setting the transport options on the
system_aliases router appropriately. Macros are defined to make
this easier. See
for information about which macros are available. You might
find the address_file, address_pipe and/or address_directory
transports that are used for the userforward router helpful in
writing your own transports for use in the system_aliases router.
If any of your aliases expand to pipes or files or directories you should set up a user and a group for these deliveries to run under. You can do this by setting the "user" and - if necessary - a "group" option and adding a "group" option if necessary. Alternatively, you can specify "user" and/or "group" on the transports that are used.
UUCP is a traditional way to execute remote jobs (e.g. spool mails), and as a lot of old things there are much more than one way to do it. However, today, the ways to handle it have boiled down to more or less two different ways.
Our recommendation is to use bsmtp/rsmtp wherever possible, because it supports all kinds of mail addresses (also the empty ones in bounces), and is also better from the security point of view.
rmail is the oldest way to transfer mail to a remote system. However, today it is normally required to use addresses with full domains for that (well, they look like any normal address for you, and we don't tell about the other way to not confuse you ;). If you want this, you can use this transport:
rmail: debug_print = "T: rmail for $pipe_addresses" driver=pipe command = uux - -r -a$sender_address -gC $domain_data!rmail $pipe_addresses return_fail_output user=uucp batch_max = 20
However, all recipients are handled via the command line, so you're discouraged to use it.
This is a more efficient way to transfer mails. It works like sending SMTP via a pipe, but instead of waiting for an answer, the SMTP is just batched; from this is also the name batched SMTP or short bsmtp.
Furthermore, this way won't fail on addresses like " "@do.main. If you want this, please use this, if the remote site uses rsmtp (e.g. is Exim 4):
rsmtp: debug_print = "T: rsmtp for $pipe_addresses" driver=pipe command = /usr/bin/uux - -r -a$sender_address -gC $domain_data!rsmtp use_bsmtp return_fail_output user=uucp batch_max = 100
and this if it wants bsmtp as the command:
bsmtp: debug_print = "T: bsmtp for $pipe_addresses" driver=pipe command = /usr/bin/uux - -r -a$sender_address -gC $domain_data!bsmtp use_bsmtp return_fail_output user=uucp batch_max = 100
Of course, these examples can be extended for e.g. compression (but you can also use ssh for compression, if you want).
You need a router to tell Exim 4 which mails to forward to UUCP. You can use this one; please adopt the last line. Of course, it's also possible to send mail via more than one way.
uucp_router: debug_print = "R: uucp_router for $local_part@$domain" driver=accept require_files = +/usr/bin/uux domains = wildlsearch;/etc/exim4/uucp transport = rsmtp
The file /etc/exim4/uucp
looks like:
If you have a leaf system (i.e. all your mail not for your
local system goes to a single remote system), you can just
forward all non-local mail to the remote UUCP system. In
this case, you can replace "domains = ..." with "domains = !
+local_domains", but then you need also to replace
$domain_data in the transport by the UUCP-name of your
smarthost. The file /etc/exim4/uucp
not needed in this case.
Depending how much you trust your local users, you might use trusted_users and add uucp to it or use local_sender_retain=true and local_from_check=false.
If you use exim4-config from Debian, you'll get the debconf based configuration scheme that is intended to cover the majority of cases.
If exim4-config is installed while an exim 3
package is present on the system,
exim4-config tries to parse the exim 3 config
file to determine the answers that were given to
eximconfig on exim 3 installation. These
answers are then taken as default values for the debconf based
configuration process. Be warned! eximconfig
from the exim 3 packages doesn't record the explicit answers
given on exim 3 configuration. So we have to guess the answers
from the exim 3 configuration file
, which is bound to fail
if the config file has been modified after using
This is the reason why we refrained from doing a "silent update", but only use the guessed answers to get reasonable defaults for our debconf based configuration process.
Please note that we do not use the exim_convert4r4 script, but try to configure the exim 4 package in the same way exim 3 was. This will hopefully aid future updates.
If you have used a customized exim 3 configuration, you can of
course use exim_convert4r4, and install the
resulting file as /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
after careful inspection. exim4 will then use that file and
ignore the file that it generated from the debconf
configuration. To aid future updates, we do, however, encourage
you not to use the
file verbatim but
instead drop appropriate configuration snippets in their
appropriate place in /etc/exim4/conf.d
PAM: On Debian systems the PAM modules run as the same user
as the calling program, so they can't do anything you
couldn't do yourself, and in particular can't access
unless the user is in group
shadow. - If you want to use
for Exim's SMTP AUTH you
will need to run exim as group shadow. Only
exim4-daemon-heavy is linked against libpam. I suggest using
saslauthd instead.
In the default configuration, exim cannot locally deliver e-mails to accounts which have capitals in their name. This is caused by the fact that exim converts the local part of incoming e-mail to lower case before the comparision done by the check_local_user directive in routers is done.
The router option caseful_local_part can be used to control this, and we decided not to set this option in the Debian configuration since it would be a rather big change to exim's default behavior.
No exim4 version released with any Debian OS can run
deliveries as root. If you don't redirect mail for root via
to a nonprivileged
account, the mail will be delivered to
with permissions 0600 and
owner mail:mail.
This redirection is done by the mail4root router which is last in the list and will thus catch mail for root that has not been taken care of earlier.
Most of the scripts that come with this Debian package do a set -x if invoked with the environment variable EX4DEBUG defined and non-zero. This is particularly handy if you need to debug the maintainer scripts that are invoked during package installation. Since dpkg redirects stdout of maintainer scripts, calling dpkg with EX4DEBUG set might yield interesting results. If in doubt, invoke the maintainer scripts with EX4DEBUG set manually directly from the command line.
There is no SELinux policy for exim4 available so far. Until this is resolved, users should use postfix or sendmail if they intend to run SELinux.
The Debian exim4 maintainers would appreciate if somebody could write an SELinux policy. We will gladly use them in the Debian packages as long as there is somebody available to test, debug and support.
The main binary is /usr/sbin/exim4: